Ⅰ Facts and Figures
- Population, Family and Household [PDF:456KB]
- Policy and Decision-making [PDF:469KB]
- Work [PDF:457KB]
- Work-life Balance [PDF:450KB]
- Education and Research Fields [PDF:444KB]
- Violence Against Women [PDF:459KB]
- Perceptions of Gender Equality [PDF:421KB]
Ⅱ Progress and Achievements [PDF:519KB]
Ⅲ Measures for Gender Equality
- Framework for Promotion of Gender Equality [PDF:573KB]
- The Basic Act for Gender-Equal Society [PDF:571KB]
- The Fourth Basic Plan for Gender Equality [PDF:637KB]
- The Intensive Policy to Accelerate the Empowerment of Women 2019 [PDF:513KB]
- Women's Empowerment Act [PDF:631KB]
- Expansion of Women's Participation in Policy and Decision-making Processes [PDF:588KB]
- Appointment of Women to Board Positions [PDF:668KB]
- Work Style Reform [PDF:546KB]
- Men [PDF:579KB]
- Children [PDF:660KB]
- Education, Research, Science Technology and Academic Fields [PDF:554KB]
- Disaster Prevention and Reconstruction [PDF:628KB]
- Efforts Toward Eliminating All Forms of Violence Against Women [PDF:726KB]
- International Cooperation [PDF:668KB]