理工チャレンジ 女子中高生・女子学生の理工系分野への選択



  • 研究分野:パターン認識、画像処理、認証技術、ソフトウェアコンピューテイング、データマイニング
  • 研究内容:人間のような仕事ができ、仕事を支援する機械の開発を目的としています。そして、顔認識、手書き文字認識や様々なパターン認識および画像処理問題を解決するための基本的技術と新しいツールについて研究を行っています。
  • 所属学会等:Senior member IEEE, Member of ACM, Japanese Neural Network Society (JNNS),Executive committee member of IUPRAI (Indian Unit of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence), ISAJ (Indian Scientists Association in Japan), International Advisory Board Member of INNS-India Chair IEEE JC WIE (Women in Engineering).


My childhood dream was to become a doctor like my father and I used to play doctor's role with my father's abandoned stethoscope hanging over my neck. As I grew up, during my high school years, I became fascinated with Physics and was a devoted fan of my physics teacher. After graduation from high school, I chose Physics as major. Theoretical Physics was too difficult for me and I did my graduate studies in Engineering faculty (Radio Physics and Electronics) with the hope of landing in a good and rewarding job.



My present job is teaching and research. My training in engineering and science helped me a lot to carry on professional life even after deciding to live in a foreign land. Though I had to face various problems in advancing my career through an environment of male majority, I acquired mental strength to overcome the problems and face the challenges of life in a different society. Education in science and engineering taught me to think logically and to act rationally. I got the opportunity to pass on my experience and knowledge as a researcher and teacher in science and engineering to my junior. It is really rewarding and gives me profound satisfaction.



The traditional concept that science and engineering education is for boys only has proved very WRONG. Open your eyes, listen to your heart and choose your path of life as you like. The study of Science and Engineering is interesting, rewarding and enlightening. Don't be afraid to face the challenges of unconventional path. It will lead you to a new world.



内閣府男女共同参画局 Gender Equality Bureau Cabinet Office〒100-8914 東京都千代田区永田町1-6-1
電話番号 03-5253-2111(大代表)