第66回国連⼥性の地位委員会(CSW66)一般討論 野田⼤⾂ステートメント





  • 地域の防災力向上のため、地方防災会議の委員への任命など、防災に関する政策・方針決定過程と防災の現場における女性の参画を拡大することや、
  • 避難所運営等に若年層を含めた女性が参画し、女性と男性のニーズ等の違いに配慮した取組や、配偶者等からの暴力や性被害・性暴力の防止等安全・安心の確保を図ること





加えて、気候変動や災害の影響を特に受けやすい女性と女児に対する支援のため、UN Womenを通じて2.5百万ドルを拠出し、ウガンダ、ソマリア、モロッコにおける女性・女児の能力強化や啓発活動に活用されています。




Statement by NODA Seiko
Minister in Charge of Womenʼs Empowerment
Minister of State for Gender Equality
delivered at the General discussion, The 66th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW66)
16 March 2022, New York

On behalf of the Government of Japan, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude and respect to the Chair and all those who have devoted themselves to the CSW66.

The spread of COVID-19 has threatened the lives of all people, but women, children, and socially vulnerable groups have been disproportionately affected. The same happens when a large-scale disaster occurs. When a disaster occurs, gender issues are magnified as women face the burden of increasing household chores, child rearing, caregiving, and are susceptible to domestic violence as well as sexual violence. These reflect the perception of gender roles during normal times. Meanwhile, in recent years, the risk of weather-related disasters caused by global climate change has been steadily increasing. Today, it is essential to incorporate climate change factors into disaster risk reduction, DRR measures. It is also imperative that a gender perspective be integrated into all policies and measures during normal times.

Due to geographic and other conditions, Japan is prone to natural disasters such as typhoons and torrential rains in addition to earthquakes and tsunami. The Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 caused tremendous damage and left over 22,000 people dead or missing. Taking the lessons learned from that disaster into account, Japan is accelerating initiatives to incorporate a gender perspective into its DRR policies, and has positioned DRR as one of the key pillars of its national plan for a gender-equal society, which was formulated in 2020.

Specifically, the plan:

- encourages more women to participate in the decision-making process and on-site activities, including the appointment of women as members of Local Disaster Management Councils, in order to enhance disaster preparedness of local communities; and urges the youth and women to participate in the operation of shelters and other aspects of disaster response, to give due consideration to the different needs of men and women and to ensure the safety and security of the affected by taking measures such as preventing domestic violence and sexual violence.

Furthermore, the Japanese government has compiled a set of guidelines that local government officials who play a major role in disaster response in affected areas can refer to when planning and carrying out DRR measures from a gender perspective. These guidelines emphasize the importance of integrating a gender perspective in all DRR measures not only during times of disaster but also during normal times.

As a country advanced in DRR, Japan considers it important to promote international cooperation in DRR from the perspective of gender equality and share knowledge and lessons learned with the international community.

In 2015, the Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction was held in Sendai, one of the cities affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake, and the Sendai Framework adopted at the conference clearly states the importance of participation and capacity building of women in the promotion of DRR. In addition, as part of its initiatives to promote the World Tsunami Awareness Day, which was proposed by Japan and resolved by the UN General Assembly in the same year, Japan launched the Women’s Leadership in a-Tsunami based Disaster Risk Reduction training program through UNITAR, United Nations Institute for Training and Research since fiscal year 2016.

Moreover, through UN Women, Japan has contributed 250 million US dollars to support women and girls who are vulnerable to the effects of climate change and natural disasters. These funds have been utilized to empower women and girls in Uganda, Somalia, and Morocco.

Gender equality is important and solid policy for the Government of Japan. I would like to express my heartfelt respect to all of those who are devoting themselves to support women and girls, and pledge to work with all of you to make the utmost effort to realize gender equality.

Thank you.

内閣府男女共同参画局 Gender Equality Bureau Cabinet Office〒100-8914 東京都千代田区永田町1-6-1
電話番号 03-5253-2111(大代表)