List of the Application Documents for the Work to Verify Foreign Juridical Persons Pertaining to the Promotion of Measures Such As Work-Life Balance

*In principle, please submit the documents in Japanese. If the attachments are in a foreign language, please be sure to also submit a Japanese translation. ⇒(Japanese forms)

Documents to be submitted by all applicants

Documents to be submitted (forms) Attachments
The request form stipulated by Article 5 of the Handling Guidelines for Verifying Foreign Juridical Persons Pertaining to the Promotion of Measures Such As Work-Life Balance For each request for verification of appropriateness for certification, documents 1 to 6 listed below.
Form No. 1 (Request form for verification of appropriateness for certification of corporations promoting measures such as work-life balance)
Written Pledge based on the Handling Guidelines for Verifying Foreign Juridical Persons Pertaining to the Promotion of Measures Such As Work-Life Balance (attachment)

Documents to be submitted in relation to verification for different certifications

1 Verification of appropriateness for certification based on Article 9 of the Act on Promotion of Female Participation and Advancement in the Workplace ("Eruboshi" certification)
【1】Formulation of a plan equivalent to the formulation of action plans for business owners

Documents to be submitted (form) Attachments
The documents stipulated by Article 1 and Article 5 of the Ordinance on the Action Plans for Business Owner based on the Act on Promotion of Female Participation and Advancement in the Workplace (*)When formulating the action plan for business owners, conduct the following items and then notify thereof.
  • Situational awareness and problem analysis on the advancement of women in the applicant's own corporation
  • Formulation of the action plan based on the situational awareness and problem analysis and its dissemination within the applicant's own corporation
  • Announcement to the general public [publishing on the website of the Gender Equality Bureau, Cabinet Office]
    ★For the public announcement procedures, click here⇒(Japanese forms)
Form No. 1 (formulation of an action plan for business owners / notification of change(s))<the Act on Promotion of Female Participation and Advancement in the Workplace>
Form No. 2 (formulation of an action plan for business owners / notification of change(s))<the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children / the Act on Promotion of Female Participation and Advancement in the Workplace, integrated type>

【2】Verification of appropriateness for "Eruboshi" certification

Documents to be submitted (form) Attachments
The documents stipulated by Article 7 of the Ordinance on the Action Plans for Business Owners based on the Act on Promotion of Female Participation and Advancement in the Workplace (Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No. 162 of 2015) (1) A copy of the formulated action plan for business owners with the application date included in the planning period
(2) Document(s) clarify the dissemination to workers and the public announcement of the action plan in (a)
(→ a document such as a print-out of the webpage on which relevant information is published with the print date)
Form No. 1 (application for certification for business owners fulfilling the standards) (3) Document(s) clarifying the achievement pertaining to the "status of the Female participation and advancement in the workplace" in 3 in Form No. 1 (→Attachment "Form 4: the Act on Promotion of Female Participation and Advancement in the Workplace: Documents relating to application for verification")
(4) Documents demonstrating the public announcements of 4 and 5 in Form No. 1
(→a print-out of the website of the Gender Equality Bureau, Cabinet Office, on which the public announcement is published, showing the print date.)
★For the public announcement procedures, click here⇒(Japanese forms)

2 Verification of appropriateness for certification on the basis of the formulation of an action plan for business owners based on Article 8 of the Act on Promotion of Female Participation and Advancement in the Workplace (among the relevant foreign juridical persons, limited to those with 300 or fewer employees.)
→ Documents required to be submitted are the same as 1-【1】 above.

3 Verification of appropriateness for certification based on Article 12 of the Act on Promotion of Female Participation and Advancement in the Workplace (“Platinum Eruboshi” certification)

For a request for verification of appropriateness for “Platinum Eruboshi” certification, the applicant must take note of the requirements that the applying corporation has been verified of appropriateness for “Eruboshi” certification and has formulated and implemented a plan equivalent to the action plan for business owners and achieved the targets set in the plan.

Documents to be submitted (form) Attachments
The documents stipulated by Article 9.2 of the Ordinance on the Action Plans for Business Owners based on the Act on Promotion of Female Participation and Advancement in the Workplace (1) Formulated and implemented action plans for business owners
(2) Documents demonstrating clarifying that the targets set in the action plan have been achieve
(3) Document(s) clarify the dissemination to workers and the public announcement of the action plan
(→ a document such as a print-out of the webpage on which relevant information is published with the print date)
Form No. 2 (application for certification for business owners fulfilling the standards) (4) Document(s) clarifying the achievement pertaining to the “status of the women’s participation and advancement in the workplace (1) to (5)” in 7 in Form No. 2
(→Attachment “Form 4: the Act on Promotion of Female Participation and Advancement in the Workplace: Documents relating to application for verification”)
(5) Documents demonstrating the public announcements of 8 in Form No. 2
(→a print-out of the website of the Gender Equality Bureau, Cabinet Office, on which the public announcement is published, showing the print date.)
★For the public announcement procedures, click here⇒(Japanese forms)

4 Verification of appropriateness for certification based on Article 13 of the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children ("Kurumin" certification)
【1】Formulation of a plan equivalent to the formulation of an action plan for business owners

Documents to be submitted (Form) Attachments
The documents stipulated by Article 12.1 and 12.4 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children
(Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No. 122 of 2003)
(*)When formulating the action plan for business owners, conduct the following items and then notify thereof.
  • Ascertaining the applicant's own corporation's current situation and needs of its employees, and problem analysis
  • Formulation of the action plan based on the ascertaining of needs and the problem analysis, and the dissemination of the action plan within the corporation.
  • Announcement to the general public [publishing on the website of the Gender Equality Bureau, Cabinet Office]
    ★ For the public announcement procedures, click here ⇒(Japanese forms)
Form No. 1 (formulation of an action plan for business owners / notification of change(s))

【2】Verification of appropriateness for "Kurumin" certification

For a request for verification of appropriateness for "Kurumin" certification, the applicant must take note of the requirements that the applying corporation has formulated and implemented a plan equivalent to the action plan for business owners (more than 2 years, less than 5 years) and achieved the targets set in the plan.

Documents to be submitted Attachments (examples of documents)
Documents stipulated by Article 13 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children (Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No. 122 of 2003) (1) Formulated and implemented action plans for business owners
Form No. 2 (application for certification for business owners fulfilling the standards) (2) Documents demonstrating clarifying that the targets set in the action plan have been achieve
<Examples of documents>
  • a. In the case that the target was set as the introduction of a system
    • Extension of the childcare leave period (→ Copy of the work rules after the introduction of the system, etc.)
    • Introduction of a no overtime working day (→ Copy of the in-corporation notification of the system's introduction, relevant educational materials, etc.)
  • b. In the case that numerical targets were set
    • Raise the female employees' acquisition rate of childcare leave to 80% or more (→ Document showing the names of the female employees who took childcare leave and the periods in which they took it)
    • More than one male employee took childcare leave (→ Document showing the names of the male employees who took childcare leave and the periods in which they took it)
    • Reduction of the prescribed working hours by more than 8 hours per month during the period of the action plan (→ The number of prescribed working hours per employee before and after the implementation of the action plan (corporations' self reporting))
  • c. In the case that the target was set as dissemination of information on the system and the provision of information
    • Aim to disseminate information within the corporation regarding a system(s) to support work-life balance (→ Copies of the materials showing the date(s) that the measure(s) for the dissemination were carried out)
  • d. In the case that the target was set as raising awareness
    • Implementation of various training sessions (→Copies of the notification on the training sessions showing the date they were held and a copy of the results of the training sessions)
(3) Documents demonstrating that the public announcement and dissemination among employees was carried out, which contain the dates of the announcement and the information disseminated
  • <Examples of documents>
    • - A print-out of the screen of the applicant's corporate website showing the date of the relevant information published.
    • - A print-out of the screen from the in-corporation Intranet showing the date the relevant information was disseminated to employees.
    • - Copy of the documents disseminated within the applicant's own corporation.
(4) Documents showing the names of the employees of both sexes who took childcare leave, the period in which they took it, and ages of the relevant children (free-format form)
<In the event of an application as a special case by a corporation with less than 300 employees with regards to childcare leave taken by male employees> Documents showing the names of the male employees who took sick/injured childcare leave, who used the reduced working hours system or the corporation specific leave systems for childcare, the ages of the children or grandchildren relevant to the leave and childcare systems above (free-format form)
(5) Documents demonstrating the implementation status of measures for certification standard 7
  • <Examples of documents>
    • Copy of the work rules
(6) Documents that demonstrating the implementation status of measures for certification standard 8 and documents clarifying the targets relating to these measures, which show their contents and the dates on which the targets were set.
  • <Examples of documents demonstrating the implementation status>
    • Copy of work rules
    • Copy of document(s) disseminated within the corporation on the implementation of the "no overtime day"
    • Notification of the implementation of measures and education materials to correct awareness, such as on the priority placed the workplace and fixed gender roles, and reports of their results
  • <Examples of documents showing details and dates of targets>
    • A print-out of the screen from the in-corporation Intranet showing the date that information on the set targets was disseminated to employees
    • Copy of the documents used to disseminate information within the corporation on the set targets

5 Verification of appropriateness for special certification based on Article 15.2 of the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children ("Platinum Kurumin" certification)

For a request for verification of appropriateness for "Platinum Kurumin" certification, please be aware that the request shall be after the completion of the plan period for the plan equivalent to a formulated action plan for business owners (more than 2 years less than 5 years) that was formulated after the receipt of the verification of appropriateness for "Kurumin" certification.

Documents to be submitted Attachments
The documents stipulated by Article 5.2 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children (1) Formulated and implemented action plan for business owners
Form No. 3 (application for certification for business owners fulfilling the standards)
  • (2) Documents demonstrating the targets set in the action plan have been achieved
  • <Examples of documents>
  • a. In the case that the target was set as the introduction of a system
  • Extension of the childcare leave period (→ Copy of the work rules after the introduction of the system, etc.)
  • Introduction of a no overtime working day (→ Copy of the in-corporation notification of the system's introduction, relevant educational materials, etc. (showing the date the system was introduced))
  • b. In the case that numerical targets were set
  • Raise the female employees' acquisition rate of childcare leave to 80% or more of female employees (→ Document showing the names of the female employees who took childcare leave and the periods in which they took it)
  • More than one male employee took childcare leave (→ Document showing the names of the male employees who took childcare leave and the periods in which they took it)
  • Reduction of the prescribed working hours by more than 8 hours per month during the period of the action plan (→ The number of prescribed working hours per employee before and after the implementation of the action plan (corporations' self reporting))
  • c. In the case that the target was set as dissemination of information on the system and the provision of information
  • Aim to disseminate information within the corporation regarding a system(s) to support work-life balance (→ Copies of the material(s) showing the date that measure(s) for the dissemination were carried out)
  • d. In the case that the target was set as raising awareness
  • Implementation of various training sessions (→ Copies of the notification on the training sessions showing the date they were held, and a copy of the results of the training sessions)
  • (3) Documents demonstrating that the public announcement and dissemination among employees was carried out, which contain the dates of the announcement and the dissemination
  • <Examples of documents>
    • A print-out of the screen of the applicant's corporate website showing the date of the relevant information published
    • A print-out of the screen from the in-corporation Intranet showing the date the relevant information was disseminated to employees
    • Copy of the documents disseminated within the applicant's own corporation.
(4) Documents showing the names of the male employees who used the childcare leave system or the corporation-specific leave system for childcare, the periods in which they used it, and the ages of the relevant children (free-format form)
<In the case of an application as a special case by a corporation with less than 300 employees>
Documents showing the names of the male employees who took sick/injured childcare leave, who used the reduced working hours system or the corporation specific leave systems for childcare, the ages of the children or grandchildren relevant to the leave and childcare systems above (free-format form)
(5) Document showing the names of the female employees who took childcare leave, the periods in which they took it, and the ages of the relevant children (free-format form)
(6) Documents demonstrating the implementation status of measures for certification standard 7
<Examples of documents>
  • Copy of the work rules
(7) Documents demonstrating the implementation status of measures for special certification standard 8 and documents clarifying the quantitative targets relating to these measures, which show the contents of these measures and the dates on which the targets were set as well as demonstrating the achievement of the targets.
<Examples of documents clarifying the implementation status>
  • Copy of work rules
  • Copy of the document(s) disseminated within the corporation on the implementation of the "no overtime day"
  • Notification of the implementation of measures and education materials to correct awareness, such as on the priority placed on the workplace and fixed gender roles, and reports of their results.
<Examples of documents showing the contents of quantitative targets, their dates, and that they have been achieved>
  • A print-out of the screen from the in-corporation Intranet showing the date that the information on the qualitative targets was disseminated to employees
  • Documents from which the achievement status of the quantitative targets can be verified
(8) Of the female employees who gave birth during the period from the start day of the action plan period to one (1) year before the final day of the plan period, documents showing the name of the female employees who continued to stay in office for more than one (1) year after giving birth (free format form).
(9) Documents demonstrating the plan and its implementation status for special certification standard 10
< Examples of documents>
  • implementation guidelines, implementation plan

6 Verification of appropriateness for certification based on Article 15 of the Youth Labor Welfare Act ("Youth Yell" certification)

Form Attachments
Documents stipulated by Article 8 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Youth Labor Welfare Act (Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No. 155 of 2015)
(1) Application for certification for business owners fulfilling the standards (Attachment 1)
  • Copy of documents, which verify the recruitment and full-time employment specifically of the young people
  • A print-out of the screen of the website, etc., on which the items listed in Article 9.4 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Youth Labor Welfare Act are published.
(2) Performance report on the the recruitment of new graduates and their retention rate (Attachment 2)
(3) Report on the human resources development, education, and training plan (Attachment 3)
(4) Performance report on overtime working hours, etc. (Attachment 4) For either one of the following, submit the specified documents for all full-time employees who were employed by the corporation in the most recent fiscal year.
  • When the <monthly average overtime hours> was described, copies of the payroll, etc., showing the record of overtime working hours by full-time workers
  • When the <percentage of employees working more than 60 hours a week> was described, copies of documents, such as timecards, from which the weekly working hours can be verified.
(5) Performance report on paid leave acquisition rate, etc. (Attachment 5)
  • Copy of the attendance book, etc., showing paid leave acquisition rate record of full-time employees who were employed by the corporation in the most recent fiscal year
(6) Performance report on childcare leave acquisition rate (Attachment 6)
  • Copy of documents from which the status of the taking of childcare leave by all workers employed by the corporation in the last three fiscal years can be verified
<In the case of the following, submit a separate document(s) instead of submitting Attachment 6>
  • In the event that a childcare leave system is in place but no record of the system used by employees, instead of submitting Attachment 6, submit a copy of the work rules or the labor agreement.
  • In the event that the applying corporation has been certification based on the provisions of Article 13 or Article 15-2 of the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children, instead of submitting Attachment 6, submit a copy of the notification of certification for business owners fulfilling the standards
(7) Report on compliance with the relevant laws and regulations (Attachment 7)  
<Submit a separate document(s) only in the event of one of the following>
  • In the event that the applying corporation received a recommendation for corrective action from the Labor Standards Inspection Office within the last one (1) year from the date of application for certification due to a violation of the labor-related laws or regulations, submit a copy of the corrective report, which can demonstrate that the corrective actions had been completed by the correction deadline.
  • In the event that the applying corporation was sent to prosecution for inspection toward a prosecution and announced through public notification due to a violation of the labor-related laws or regulations within the last one (1) year from the date of application for certification, submit a copy of the non-prosecution treatment statement, which verifies that it was ruled that the case in question was not be prosecuted, or a copy of the ruling, which verifies that the ruling at the trial was an acquittal.
(8) Written pledge (Attachment 8)
(9) Corporate information report (Attachment 9)
★For the public announcement procedures, click here⇒(Japanese forms)