15th APEC Women Leaders Network Meeting(19-21 September 2010 Tokyo)

108 Years of History and Activities by Japan Medical Women's Association

Explanation of your Display and PR

Japan Medical Women's Association (JMWA) cerebrates the 108th year anniversary. Our panel shows the history and the activities of JMWA.

Introduction of the organizer

Japan Medical Women's Association (JMWA) was founded in 1902 by a group of female doctors, during an era when passing the medical licensing exams as a woman was very difficult. Dr. Ginko Ogino was the first female medical doctor licensed by the government in 1885. Dr. Yayoi Yoshioka was one of the pioneers, who founded the Tokyo Women's Medical College in 1900.
The aim of JMWA is to support the current and the future female doctors, by providing a suitable work place, and by exchanging information, which in turn will deepen mutual understandings between members.
This year JMWA celebrates the 108th year anniversary. However we cannot deny that Japan is still a male dominant country, which includes the medical field, despite the proportion of newly qualified female doctors rising to more than 30%. As a result many young female doctors struggle when they pursue their medical career and try to maintain their family as a wife and as a mother. This is because there is insufficient support system for maintaining work-life balance for female doctors.
JMWA must act as a mentor for Japanese female doctors who want to continue progressing in their medical specialty. As a member of the Medical Women's International Association (western pacific lesion member) JMWA aims to promote gender equality and work life balance in medical field in Japan.
