Women in Japan Today 2004

International Cooperation

Jordan: Family Planning / WID Project: Technical Cooperation Project

Japan conducted this project for three years from 1997 in the Southern Ghor District, Karak Governorate, as a model case, and then expanded the project coverage to six districts in the Karak Governorate by June 2003.

Japan sent short- and long-term experts, accepted trainees, and provided necessary equipment in order to restrain the population growth rate and improve women's status and health conditions in Jordan by incorporating three main core strategies: 1) raising awareness of family planning and reproductive health; 2) providing information to residents (including providing information to men); and 3) promoting women's income generation activities. Japan placed emphasis on residents' voluntary activities, such as fostering home visitors. It was highly appriciated, and Jordan's national TV station covered this project. Residents provided the following feedbacks: "I recommended planned childbirth to my sister-in-law. Planned childbirth with a two-year interval would be ideal," "When I was busy attending workshops, my husband came to give me a helping hand with household duties."

Home visitors providing information
Home visitors providing information

In some regions in Jordan where residents strictly adhere to Islamic law, it is necessary to have them understand that planned childbirth does not contradict with Islamic law. In this sense, Japanese experts arduously persuaded religious leaders and successfully gained their cooperation in providing explanations to residents.


No. Training Course Period No. of Trainees Targets
1 OISCA Rural Life Improvement and Community Development for Women Jan 20 - Dec 20 18 Advocates of agriculture and lifestyle improvement and/or local female supervisors
2 Seminar on Women in Environment and Development Jan 20 - Mar 12 9 Government officials and NGO workers in charge of environment conservation and/or women issues
3 Seminar on Women's Entrepreneurship Development - Training for program managers Feb 11 - Mar 16 8 Government officials and NGO workers promoting economic empowerment of women
4 Seminar on Promotion of Education for Girls and Women Feb 11 - Mar 8 9 Government officials and managerial staff in charge of developing and promoting education for women and girls
5 Counter-measure for Improvement of Maternal & Health Indices II Mar 24 - Jul 11 7 Government officials and NGO workers with experience in administration of public health programs
6 OISCA Rural Life Improvement and Community Development for Women Apr 26 - Jun 13 7 Physicians and/or senior medical officers involved in formulating national policies for public health and medical treatment
7 Seminar on Policies to Mainstream Gender for Government Officers Jun 16 - Jul 20 10 Government officials engaged in formulating policies to improve the status of women
8 Seminar on Reproductive Health of Adolescents Jun 17 - Jul 13 13 Government officials and NGO workers in charge of the administration, planning, and implementation of adolescent reproductive and sexual health education programs
9 Reproductive Health Seminars for Senior Officers - Capacity building of NGO towards community-based RH Aug 19 - Sept 14 11 Senior government officials and NGO workers responsible for the administration, planning, and implementation of RH/FP programs
10 Empowerment of Rural Women Sept 2 - Nov 8 10 Technical experts and government officials in charge of providing support to rural women
11 Seminar on Promotion of Gender Equality II Oct 14 - Nov 15 9 Senior officials of national machineries promoting gender equality
12 Nutrition and Diet Improvement for Women Leaders II Nov 11 - Feb 1 8 Officials of national and public institutions involved in providing guidance on nutrition, hygiene and improved dietary habits