Women in Japan Today 2004

Framework for the Promotion of Gender Equality

On December 12, 2000, the Cabinet decided the Basic Plan for Gender Equality, the first plan based upon the Basic Law for a Gender-equal Society.
The Basic Plan carries 11 priority objectives, and describes the basic direction of long-term measures up until 2010, and concrete measures to be implemented before the end of fiscal 2005.

11 Priority Objectives

  1. Expand women's participation in policy decision-making processes
  2. Review social systems and practices, and reform awareness from a gender-equal perspective
  3. Secure equal opportunities and treatment in the field of employment
  4. Establish gender equality in rural areas
  5. Support the efforts of women and men to harmonize work with their family and community life
  6. Develop conditions that allow the elderly to live with peace of mind
  7. Eliminate all forms of violence against women
  8. Support life-long health for women
  9. Respect women's human rights in the media
  10. Enrich education and learning which promote gender equality and facilitate diversity of choice
  11. Contribute to the "Equality, Development and Peace " of the global community

The Council for Gender Equlaity is mandated to monitor the implementation of policies related to the promotion of the formation of a gender-equal society. To promote the Basic Plan for Gender Equality effectively, the Coucil monitors policies based on the Plan, utilizing ideas of gender and other experts.

The Cabinet Office provides local governments with necessary information when they formulate their plans for gender equality based on the Basic Law for a Gender-eqaul Society. In particular, the Cabinet Office actively supports municipalities by providing manuals to help them formulate their plans.