Women in Japan Today 2003

Activities of Local Governments

Activities of Local Governments and Non-governmental Organizations

Liaison Conference for the Promotion of Gender Equality (Egalite Network)
The Liaison Conference for the Promotion of Gender Equality (Egalite Network), comprising intellectuals from all levels and sectors of society, was established to promote information and opinion exchange between all sectors and levels of society, other forms of cooperation, and national measures toward the formation of a gender-equal society. The Network provides information and exchanges opinions on national measures and international trends with NGOs and a wide range of other organizations, and engages in other activities towards the realization of a gender-equal society.

National Conference on the Creation of a Gender-equal Society
Given the date of promulgation and enforcement of the Basic Law for a Gender-equal Society, the week June 23-29 has been designated Gender Equality Week, and a National Conference on the Creation of a Gender-equal Society was held during this period. The conference aimed to deepen understanding of the purpose and principles of the Basic Law for a Gender-equal Society and stir up a movement in all sectors and levels of society to undertake various measures towards realization of a gender-equal society.

Gender Equality Forum
Gender equality forums were held in six locations nationwide during FY2002, and each of these were attended by several hundred individuals, including local citizens, representatives of private organizations and government officers. Each forum comprised a report by the Headquarters for the Promotion of Gender Equality, keynote lectures by intellectuals, and sub-sessions on themes pertinent to the content of important targets identified in the Basic Plan for Gender Equality.

Programs Encouraging Gender Equality Declaration Cities and a Summit Meeting of Gender Equality Declaration Cities
54 municipalities held programs encouraging Gender Equality Declaration Cities by the end of December 2002, and declared to become Gender Equality Declaration Cities. These cities have conducted variety of measures to publicize and enlighten citizens about gender equality, and to promote the appointment of women to advisory councils and committees. Furthermore, a Summit Meeting of Gender Equality Declaration Cities was held in Takarazuka City, Hyogo in July 2002, and another in Suginami Ward, Tokyo in October 2002, with the aim of deepening cooperation between these cities.