
令和4年7月5日から15日までニューヨーク国連本部で、「『持続可能な開発のための2030アジェンダ』の完全な実施を進めながら、新型コロナウイルス感染症からより良く復興する」という本年のテーマのもと開催された「国連ハイレベル政治フォーラム(the United Nations high-level political forum on sustainable development/HLPF)」で、7日、野田大臣がビデオメッセージを寄せました。














Hello, everyone. My name is NODA Seiko, and I am the Minister of State for Gender Equality. It is a great honor to be given the opportunity to speak to you today.

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the lives of people, especially women, worldwide. We recognize that women have been seriously impacted because gender equality has taken a back seat for far too long, and COVID-19 has made unresolved gender issues visible. In the past, there has never been a time when the importance of gender equality, Goal 5 of the SDGs is sought after as much as today. This intensifies the dire need to accelerate efforts to achieve the goal in today’s times.

Gender equality is an important and solid policy for the Government of Japan. To take advantage of the recovery from COVID-19 for gender equality and a sustainable future, we acknowledge the urgent task to create an environment that supports women's economic empowerment. Japan will make efforts to create such an environment based on the following four pillars.

The first pillar is “women’s economic empowerment.” To ensure that women do not fall into economic difficulties, we will take measures including mandatory corporate disclosure of the gender pay gap and reskilling women for digitalization.

The second pillar is “realizing of a society in which women can live with dignity and pride.” Japan is strengthening fundamental measures to eliminate domestic violence and sexual assault. We will also promote “FemTech,” which focuses on using technology to address women’s health issues.

The third pillar is “men’s engagement in families and communities.” Encouraging men to take parental leave is important to reduce the burden that women have to carry. Additionally, the government published the “White Paper on Gender Equality” last month, and the data from the white paper, which has been widely reported in the media, shows that about 40% of single men in their 20s and about 35% of single men in their 30s have never been on a date. About 70% of men in their 20s responded that they do not currently have a spouse or partner. Thus, we need to listen to people and consider their diverse lifestyles and values.

The fourth pillar is “achieving the goals for appointment of women.” The government as a whole will make every effort to achieve the 58 targets on promotion and employment of women, including appointment of women ambassadors and schoolmasters, by 2025.

We do see this unprecedented “crisis” as our “opportunity for change” to “build back better,” and to realize a more gender-equal society. While COVID-19 has had many negative impacts on people’s work and everyday lives, it also had positive impacts, for example, the expansion of flexible working styles through telework. We believe it is important to maintain flexible working styles and not to return to the pre-COVID-19 situation. Thus, Japan will continue to make every effort to ensure that no woman or girl facing difficulties is left behind in the new normal of the world, post-COVID-19.

Thank you very much.

(国連ハイレベル政治フォーラム 動画URL)


内閣府男女共同参画局 Gender Equality Bureau Cabinet Office〒100-8914 東京都千代田区永田町1-6-1
電話番号 03-5253-2111(大代表)