Women in Japan Today 2003

News From the Headquarters for the Promotion of Gender Equality

Outline of a Survey on the Status of Rural Women's Entrepreneurial Activities

Women's entrepreneurial activities in agriculture, forestry and fisheries, such as ventures into farm restaurants, morning markets and food processing using local agricultural products, have increased significantly in recent years. These kinds of activities are not only conducive to women's participation in management and financial independence, but also make a sizeable contribution to the revitalization of local communities and economies and exchange between cities and rural villages. Since FY1997, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries is conducting a national survey in cooperation with Regional Agricultural Extension Centers in order to grasp of the circumstances on rural women's entrepreneurial activities.

An outline of the results of the FY2001 survey (January 2002) follows:

Women's entrepreneurial ventures numbered 7,327 nationwide
Women's entrepreneurial ventures numbered 7,327 nationwide, 72% of which were managed by groups. Compared to the previous survey (as of January 2001), group-managed ventures increased by 2.2%, and individually-managed ventures soared by 23.3%.

Trend in the Number of Women's Entrepreneurial Ventures

Trend in the Number of Women's Entrepreneurial Ventures

Food processing using local agricultural products dominates
Analysis of the content of these activities shows that local agricultural produce is used in the majority of cases: 68% involved food processing, such as jams and pickles; and 41% involved sales and distribution, such as morning markets and direct sale to the public. (Multiple answers)

Processing of
non-food products
Sales &
Exchange with
urban areas
Services Other
553 (7.5) 4,962 (67.7) 302 (4.1) 2,976 (40.6) 467 (6.4) 30 (0.4) 53 (0.7)
Trifling scale
Analysis of annual turnover reveals that these ventures are trifling in scale, with 65% earning less than \3 million. 11% earned \10 million or more.

Status of incorporation
123 group-managed ventures were incorporated, representing 2% of the total. In the majority of cases, ventures were incorporated as private limited companies or agricultural producers' cooperative corporations

graph image
Private limited
Agricultural producers' cooperative corporations Joint-stock
123 (2.3) 56 38 8 22 5,129 (97.7)


Name Dates Ministries and Agencies Promoting Events
Rural Women's Day 10 March Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Gender Equality Week 23 - 29 June The Cabinet Office and Ministries comprising the Headquarters for the Promotion of Gender Equality
One-month Campaign on Equal Employment Opportunities
between Men and Women
June Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare
One-month Campaign for
Harmonization of Work and Families
October Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare
Promotion of Measures
to Counteract Violence Against Women
10 March Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Campaign to Eliminate Violence Against Women 12-25 November The Cabinet Office

This table shows day, weeks and months specially designated by the Government of Japan to give a central focus to campaign designated to improve the status of women, promote equality and redress traditional gender-role concepts. National conference, symposia and other activities to promote understanding of Gender Equality are organized over these periods.