The Present Status of Gender Equality and Measures

  1. Human rights of women in the media

    Marked number of excessive expressions
    In terms of attitudes toward descriptions of sex and violence in the media, a high ratio of respondents (more than 50%) felt that there were a marked number of excessive expressions, over-emphasizing women's sexual aspects, etc. (Figure 35).

    Figure 35: Attitude to media descriptions of sex and violence
    Figure 35: Attitude to media descriptions of sex and violence


    Compiled from Public Opinion Survey on Gender Equal Society (1997), Prime Minister's Office

    • The Internet

      Harmful information on the Internet
      Among suppliers of harmful images over the Internet, some not only supply images of adults but also supply child pornography (Figure 36).

    Figure 36: Image subjects
    Figure 36: Image subjects


    Of all sites providing domestic services and registered with application registration-type search engines (104,521 as of 15 December 1997), the National Police Agency looked at all homepages categorized as containing adult images and photographs (1,721), and surveyed all sites constituting commerce in harmful images (632 sites), excluding those which are only collections of links or provide free service. "Adults," "junior and senior high school students" and "elementary school students and younger" were categorized based on the advertising slogans, etc., of the relevant homepages. Of foreign commercial servers, those obviously targeting a foreign audience were excluded from totals.


    National Police Agency survey(1997)