Plan for Gender Equality 2000

8. Respect for Human Rights of Women in the Media

[Basic Direction of Measures]

Print, video and other media have influenced people's consciousness in various forms. As we turn toward the 21st century, the advancing sophistication of information technology is expected to even further expand the influence of information. On the one hand, freedom of expression must be respected, but on the other hand, the human rights of those on the "receiving" side must similarly be respected. Thus, in addition to preventing a singular emphasis on the sexual aspect of women, the uncritical treatment of violence against women, and the perpetuation of gender-based stereotypes in the media, the perpetually-changing real images of women and men must be communicated and the elimination of gender-based stereotypes must be promoted. To this end, voluntary efforts on the part of the media should be encouraged and effective measures matched to the relevant medium and technological innovations should be promoted.

(1) Support for media efforts to adopt expressions that respect the human rights of women

In addition to improving the current situation under which the commercialization of sex and expressions of violence infringe upon the human rights of women, and encouraging voluntary efforts by the media to use expressions that respect the human rights of women, other effective measures, such as keeping sexual and violent media away from young people and others who do not wish to come into contact with it should be studied. In addition, careful consideration must be given to ensure that measures are taken in line with the characteristics of various media, including new media such as the Internet, and to ensure that emphasis is given to protecting the human rights of children and promoting the healthy development of youth.

[Concrete Measures]

(a) Promoting respect for human rights in the media and measures to keep expressions of sex and violence away from those who do not wish to come into contact with them

- Support measures to respect the human rights of women in the media

Appeal to broadcasters, etc., to take measures to ensure that broadcasts respect the human rights of women by establishing and adhering to programming standards that give full consideration to respect for the human rights of women; enhancing in-house training to deepen recognition of the human rights of women and fostering a gender-sensitive perspective; and further increasing the opportunities for the exchange of views with listeners and viewers. Study appraisals by non-broadcasters, while at the same time considering freedom in the editing of broadcast programs. Encourage voluntary efforts in the publishing and sales industries, as well.

- Keep sexual and violent media away from children, youth and others who do not wish to come into contact with them

Promote measures by broadcasters to keep children, youth and others who do not wish to come into contact with programs containing sex and violence away from them by giving consideration to broadcast time and to introduce devices that can be used to cut their access, thus preventing exposure to such programs. Study concrete measures, while at the same time respecting freedom in broadcast program editing.

Promote measures for the healthy development of children, with respect to publications containing sexual and violent expressions, e.g., encouraging voluntary efforts on the part of publishing and sales industries, effective utilization of the system for designating harmful materials under Youth Protection Development Ordinances, and educational campaigns for eliminating harmful environments. Study the actual situation and its impact on youth, as well as trends in other countries, to contribute to the further promotion of such measures.

- Eliminate child pornography and other sexual and violent expression involving children

Promote accurate understanding of the situation in order to crack down harder on offenders of laws through the enforcement of current laws and regulations. Promote voluntary efforts on the part of concerned personnel in the media bearing in mind that child pornography and other sexual and violent expressions involving children are an infringement on the human rights of the children involved, and exert a tremendous negative impact on both their physical and mental growth. Study effective measures based on international trends and a perspective of protecting the rights of children.

- Promote educational campaigns to eliminate harmful environments

Encourage an educational campaign to eliminate harmful environments that affect youth by, for example, promoting cooperation among schools, families and communities to clean-up harmful environments.

- Promote gender equality in the media

Promote voluntary efforts on the part of the media to actively involve women in policy decision-making at all stages, including planning, production and editing.

(b) Considering the establishment of rules for the Internet and other new media

- Strengthen control through enforcement of current laws and regulations

Strengthen controls on obscene information and the commercialization of sex on the Internet and other new media through the enforcement of current laws and regulations, e.g., Article 175 of the Criminal Code.

- Conduct informative and educational campaigns targeting Internet service providers, on line services and information providers.

Conduct campaigns to encourage Internet service providers and on line services to formulate and adhere to independent rules as well as to establish a code of ethics among information providers.

- Support voluntary formulation of guidelines

Give further support for voluntary efforts on the part of the media to formulate and observe ethical and other standards on the use and content of material on the Internet and other new media.

- Regulate information on the Internet and other new media, and establishment of an environment for use

Encourage the participation of experts, network services and consumers in a study on regulation of information on the Internet and other new media, especially that which is sexual or violent in nature or otherwise infringes upon the human rights of women and study this issue, while giving due consideration to freedom of expression and privacy of communication, as well as international trends. Study the establishment of a better user environment, including measures against annoying communications and a system to handle complaints.

Responsible authorities: National Police Agency, Management and Coordination Agency, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Education, Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Ministry of Labor

(2) Promoting gender-free expressions in official releases and publications of official organizations

[Basic Direction of Measures]

In order to project diverse images of women and men throughout society, not limiting those images to gender-based stereotypes, the Government and other official organizations should take the lead in formulating guidelines on methods for portraying gender in publications, etc. Promotional efforts must also be made so that independent efforts even by the private media will be made in line with the efforts of official organizations.

[Concrete Measures]

- Formulate guidelines on official releases and publications

Formulate guidelines, from the perspective of gender equality, that must be observed in the official releases and publications of official organizations, and positively project diverse images of women and men, not limiting those images to gender-based stereotypes.

- Inform the private sector of the guidelines

Incorporate the guidelines as a model in addition to making the guidelines on official releases and publications by official organizations widely known by encouraging independent efforts on the part of the private media.

Responsible authorities: All ministries and agencies